MSF - OCB's Global Environmental Footprint Initiative
Building MSF OCB environmental roadmap
Regenerate land and soils
📍Promote tree plantations, integrate gardens in MSF premises and value composting of MSF non medical organic waste.
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I understand tree planting is often refused in budget arbitration - what a shame for patient well-being!
For tree planting, need to ensure the trees/gardens planted matches the habitat e.g. make sure it's not an invasive species/able to grow in that environment. Limit 'one off' green events; conservation is just as important
I think there are only advantages to tree planting but one is that it can have an impact on areas prone to cyclones (reducing landfalls, protecting the structures,...)
tree planting should be part of MSF activity
Could MSF consider to take shares in a cooperative such as Terre-en-Vue. Terre-en-Vue gives access to land for farmers carrying agrocecological projects.
"De plus en plus de jeunes souhaitent reprendre ou démarrer des fermes, sur base de modèles agricoles « durables » : agriculture biologique et paysanne, agroécologie, biodynamie, permaculture. En effet, le modèle agro-industriel dominant a montré ses limites et son incapacité à répondre aux enjeux alimentaires de la planète, induisant problèmes environnementaux et exclusion sociale."
MSF could also participate to initiatives of other NGOs as Treedom
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