MSF - Iniciativa de la OCB sobre la huella ambiental global
Creación de la hoja de ruta medioambiental de MSF OCB
Promover las buenas prácticas de oficina y el comportamiento responsable
📍Elaborar un cuaderno de buenas prácticas en la oficina o las instalaciones que permita al personal aplicar medidas clave en los siguientes ámbitos: consumo de energía y recursos, gestión de residuos, compras en la oficina, restauración...
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review the need for printing to reduce Paper Waste
, we have printed tons of protocols , guidelines , sops , flyers , pockets guides , welcome packages , briefing package , debriefing package , all are available in soft copies but we print again there is consistently a huge amount of printing ,tons of such lying in shelf's and boxes covered by dust and cobwebs, because no one is reading yet we keep printing , we send these hard copy which is a huge amount of kgs when transported , it is not sufficient for each department more copies are made at project level , but who is reading them , to reduce this every project should provide and make available monitors at the point of care in the wards for Nurses and doctors to be able to access any guideline or sop needed for care,
training materials can be access online it must not be printed for each participant
sample products shared by companies are part of the waste accumulated in the office this items are not used
The MSF Office Green Team is already implementing some initiatives:
Any other ideas or suggestions?
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