MSF - OCB's Global Environmental Footprint Initiative
Building MSF OCB environmental roadmap
Changes at "Avoid and reduce waste generated by MSF activities "
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- +{"en"=>"Avoid and reduce waste generated by MSF activities "}
- +["*Reduce usage of single use medical items and favor use of reusable, biodegradable material\n*Ban drugs dispensary plastic bags and replace with reusable containers when applicable.\n*Favor products donations through better anticipation of expiration dates and a strict donation policy\n*Reduce usage of single use non-medical items in MSF offices and facilities and favor use of reusable, biodegradable material", "*Reduce usage of single use medical items and favor use of reusable, biodegradable material\n*Ban drugs dispensary plastic bags and replace with reusable containers when applicable.\n*Favor products donations through better anticipation of expiration dates and a strict donation policy\n*Reduce usage of single use non-medical items in MSF offices and facilities and favor use of reusable, biodegradable material", ["*Reducir el uso de artículos médicos de un solo uso y favorecer el uso de material reutilizable y biodegradable\n*Prohibir las bolsas de plástico de los dispensarios de medicamentos y sustituirlas por recipientes reutilizables cuando proceda.\n*Favorecer las donaciones de productos mediante una mejor anticipación de las fechas de caducidad y una estricta política de donaciones\n*Reducir el uso de artículos no médicos de un solo uso en las oficinas e instalaciones de MSF y favorecer el uso de material reutilizable y biodegradable.", "*Reduce usage of single use medical items and favor use of reusable, biodegradable material\n*Ban drugs dispensary plastic bags and replace with reusable containers when applicable.\n*Favor products donations through better anticipation of expiration dates and a strict donation policy\n*Reduce usage of single use non-medical items in MSF offices and facilities and favor use of reusable, biodegradable material"]]
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Version created at
16/06/2022 11:09