MSF - Iniciativa de la OCB sobre la huella ambiental global
Creación de la hoja de ruta medioambiental de MSF OCB
1 Supply Center per country to consolidate orders and shipments
Having 1 supply center for 1 country – no matter how many sections are present in the country.
Setting up intersectionnal importation when it is possible.
It would allow consolidation of goods. More volume = more sea or road freight instead of air.
Setting up intersectionnal importation when it is possible.
It would allow consolidation of goods. More volume = more sea or road freight instead of air.
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Excellent proposal 'Low Profile' (!) - am happy you feel comfortable sharing, even if anonymously! In 2011, I co-edited an OCB Guideline 'Shared Logistics Services in the Field' - this based on numerous highly successful examples of e.g. shared garages. (Find the guideline on OCB SherLog platform or email me bilaterally)
MSF OCB Strategic Orientations 2020-2023 states: "When it comes to OCB participation in international projects, we value mutualisation and optimisation and we will cultivate this mindset."
Can you describe barriers to achieving this vision of 1 intersection supply centre / country as you see them?
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