MSF - OCB's Global Environmental Footprint Initiative
Building MSF OCB environmental roadmap
Changes at "Responsibility over our own construction waste disposal by handling it directly or ensuring construction companies subcontracted handle it properly"
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- +{"en"=>"Responsibility over our own construction waste disposal by handling it directly or ensuring construction companies subcontracted handle it properly"}
- +["1- Consider reduce, reuse and recycle during design and construction. 2- Categorize the different types of waste and their respective environmental impact. 3- Know each possible way to safely and legally deal with each type. 4- Map official dump sites, landfilling, recycle plants, or any other available method. 5- Include clauses for waste management in the construction contracts and monitor if this is being respected.6- Include construction waste management in the mission’s SOPs and OCB BASICs."]
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01/07/2022 08:31