MSF OCP : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
Construire la feuille de route environnementale de MSF OCP
Supply processes/ not new tech
It seems like from the analysis the majority of the Emisison come from supply. there are proposals about water heaters, ect but this seems like a high level of work compared to the benefits of the reduction if a more concerted effort on efficent sea cargo and OCP actually funding supply positions on the field then I think this would be the biggest impact,
emissions come from supply
hire supply people to manage and reduce emissions.
hire supply people to manage and reduce emissions.
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Hello Anna,
If you look at the analysis, the most part is actually from Procurement of goods, wether internationally or locally purchased - not freight, as you suggest. International freight is actually relatively low (3% of our emissions), also because we've worked for several years now on reducing air freight, and continue improving the ratio. We went from around only 40% sea freight in 2016 to around 70% in 2021. To further improve that, we need to get better at anticipating needs, respecting the chronograms, etc. It will be difficult to go about 75%, with the level of emergency operations we have, and the constraints we face in some countries.
That being said, the impact of the goods we purchase is much more difficult to tackle - it's about where we source the products, what they contain, how they are manufactured.. You'll find there are proposals about including environmental criteria in sourcing, and giving visibility on the carbon footprint of items to improve these aspects.
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