MSF OCB : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
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Préserver les ressources en eau
📍Mettre en œuvre les meilleures options réalisables après une analyse rapide de l'impact environnemental en ce qui concerne la préservation des ressources en eau dans chaque projet.
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When using or planning groundwater as a project's primary water source, respect the technical recommendations for installing these, including on:
- investigation on which aquifers to source from and which ones to avoid
- consider diagnosing and rehabilitating existing boreholes instead of drilling new ones
- establish the most appropriate borehole design based on that information and negotiate with drillers on how to respect this design
- never link/connect several aquifers to avoid pollution
- always include proper borehole protection to avoid contamination, including a full sanitary seal in complex/urban/contaminated areas
- have the drilling process followed-up by an EH professional from MSF side, to make sure all agreements and designs are respected
- save and share the drilling and borehole logbook
Full technical support on this is available from the EH unit
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