MSF - Iniciativa de la OCB sobre la huella ambiental global
Creación de la hoja de ruta medioambiental de MSF OCB
Reducir el consumo de energía y mejorar la eficiencia de las instalaciones eléctricas
📍Monitorear las instalaciones eléctricas para conocer el consumo y optimizar el dimensionamiento de las fuentes de energía
📍Instalar regulación automatizada de los equipos eléctricos (ej.: sensores de movimiento)
📍Comprar equipos de bajo consumo (AC, calentadores, aparatos de luz...)
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very exciting component in our road towards decarbonizing our operations!
we are all of us already doing several things in this regard:
- Behaviour around electrical devices and installations. We as users have obviously a big role to play. How to use the air conditioners correctly (temperature setting not too low, windows closed unless in an airborne infectious disease context ...), turn off the lights when not needed, shut down the laptop when not working, ...
- Energy efficient devices: increasing buying more inverter type air conditioners, our vaccine fridges and freezers are more efficient than ever, LED lights are becoming the new standard ...
- We have motion sensors, timers ... available through MSF Supply and they are much more frequent in our electrical setups
- We already have several options to measure our electrical consumption. Also working on a plan to rollout these devices on a wider scale
But we can do much more! ideas?
Iñaki - Energy & HVAC TL
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