MSF - Iniciativa de la OCB sobre la huella ambiental global
Creación de la hoja de ruta medioambiental de MSF OCB
Descarbonizar la producción de electricidad y energía
📍Reducir la electricidad producida con combustibles fósiles gracias a los recursos renovables (paneles fotovoltaicos, aerogeneradores) y al dimensionamiento adecuado de los generadores.
📍Utilizar la energía solar para equipos específicos (producción de agua caliente, bombas de agua para pozos...)
📍Producir electricidad o energía a partir de residuos o del calor fatal (cogeneración instalada en incineradoras o generadores, metanización...)
📍Suscribirse a un proveedor de energía descarbonizada para los edificios cuando sea pertinente
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There is no 100% "green" energy - the renewable is only less fatal to the environment. Meaning: even a solar panel manufacturing leaves a considerable carbon footprint, let alone batteries, etc. We also need to re-thing and change our habits. E.g. the air-conditioning in a tropic zone gives us nice and comfortable working environment, but this comes at a cost too. Or extended use of the vehicles - it matters if their engines are electrical or of an internal combustion, but not as much as you would think at first. We demand these luxuries, because we think we can afford them - but we do not realize what it really costs.
we can save energy by changing our lifestyle. people always leave lights, heating, air conditioning and computers on when they do not use them. Thus, they waste a lot of energy. Turning them off saves money too.
Conversación con Iñaki GOICOLEA
renewable energies are becoming more and more easy to implement all around the world.
The technology is becoming more easy to use, with higher efficiencies ...
Trainings available for technicians ion how to size and implement these solutions (also available through the MSF training catalogue)
The CO2 payback is getting shorter and shorter, nowadays around 3 - 4 years in the worst cases. considering that the life of a solar installation is estimated in 20 years this is very good! (CO2 payback is the ammount of time you need the installation to run to save the same ammount of CO2 used to produce, transport, ... all its components)
Fuel prices are going up, renewable energy costs are going down
We still have a big space to grow in this area
But is 20 years of life actually sustainable ? (It's obviously better than burning oil, but are solar pannels just a bandaid to push the problem a generation or two further away or an actual solution ?)
Are we capable of recycling the components of batteries and solar panel to make new ones ?
a solar energy installation working over 20 year - yes, it is possible and sustainable. in fact most of the solar panels are not replaced before 30 years
solar energy is a solution? it depends which problem you are trying to solve I guess. If we talk about reducing CO2 emissions then yes, it is part of the solution I think. Its emissions are about 10x lower than diesel. Double than other sources such as hydro, nuclear or wind; but those are not so easy to install
as for the recycling one of the "problems" with solar is the long life it has -> there are not enough old panels to start making new ones. But there are already several companies doing this. The ratio of recycled solar panels is expected to increase significantly in the coming years
Other proposals to complement (included in the CEH Action Plan 2020-2023):
- Develop renewable energy kits for fast deployment in emergencies (portable power, emergency lights, solar containers, etc.).
- Increase the use of renewable energies for heating and cooling (solar air conditioners, solar water heaters, passive cooling solutions, etc.).
- Increase the use of localized, reliable and independent energy systems.
- Develop handover strategies appropriate to the local context (less energy intensive) as a part of the technical solution.
- Create indicators to capture 1) the quality and type of energy service given to the operations and 2) the quality of service in relation to energy use and system design.
- Put in place monitoring systems (i.e. energy meters) and develop energy audits to follow up energy production and consumption and adapt the energy systems based on the results.
- Plan the operation and maintenance of the energy systems (O&M): develop and keep up-to-date maintenance plans and continuous monitoring.
- Develop the internal local capacity linked to the energy domain: trainings, mentoring, improved access to knowledge, etc.
- Assess existing implemented solutions locally and extrapolate challenges and lessons learned if any.
- Raise awareness about the environmental impacts of irresponsible energy consumption (i.e. invest in sensitization of staff about energy consumption reduction) at project/mission/cell level.
There are already some initiatives tackling these points. Anything else you could think of?
For making water supply systems energy efficient or neutral:
- Install solarized or at least solar-ready pumping systems as a standard for new constructions or rehabilitations
- Explore the use of solarized electrochlorination for water treatment to reduce transport of chlorine generating products
- Favor gravity-fed water distribution systems requiring no energy input of pumped distribution systems
- Conduct proper and regular sizing and maintenance off all water supply system components to avoid break-down and extend their lifetime
Most of these measures will also facilitate future handover of these facilities
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