MSF - Iniciativa de la OCB sobre la huella ambiental global
Creación de la hoja de ruta medioambiental de MSF OCB
Optimizar los envíos de contenedores a un mismo destino
📍Con el fin de limitar el número de envíos y/o limitar el transporte aéreo debido a un volumen insuficiente, consolidar el envío de contenedores entre diferentes OC y diferentes misiones a través de una mejor planificación de la cadena de suministro
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Conversación con Iñaki GOICOLEA
I dont know much about this but what I understood is that whenever we send cargo by sea the sea-freight company will consolidate the containers as they see fit (i.e. if we send a small box by sea the transporter will put in a container with other cargo). This might not be the most efficient solution from a financial point of view, but the frieght company will always ensure the volume of the container is used as efficiently as possible, regardless of the size of the cargo we send.
At the same time asking our ESC (European Supply Centers) to wait until a whole container is consolidated to send cargo by sea means longer delays -> we dont want to send things by sea because it takes too long -> we send many things (too many?) by plane.
I'm guessing I'm missing several details and/or that I haven't understood the process correctly. Could anyone plese correct me?
Hello Inaki,
In fact we do not make shared containers (LCL). Since we don't know with whom our boxes will be loaded, we don't want to take the risk of being associated with companies that do not have our ethics.
The containers are therefore exclusively full containers (FCL).
for most destinations there are transport schedules with fixed departure dates.
On the other hand, the fact that shipments are always longer by sea is a mistake.
For example, for Haiti the transport time by sea is 10 days, preclearance time is also 10 days. So we take as much time to arrive by sea as by air.
There are several destinations for which it would be as fast, ecological and economical to transfer the majority of goods from air to sea.
This proposal actually refers to shipment which could be sent by boat but in absence of enough volume to make a container, is actually sent by air. The idea here is to coordinate between different sections and supply centers to send 1 container by for several OCs, once consolidated, instead of sending several air shipments.
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