MSF OCB : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
Construire la feuille de route environnementale de MSF OCB
Réduire l'impact carbone des déplacements domicile-travail
📍Promouvoir les transports publics et la mobilité douce dans tous les bureaux
📍Encourager le travail à distance à temps partiel, notamment pour le siège.
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So, to continue - and this goes for our habits back at home too - in order to reduce our carbon footprint, we need to reduce our selfish concept of what we are entitled to. Changing the way we look at the world we live in. This is by far harder than changing diesel to solar or by doing mainly online meetings. Or than buying only products in recycled package. Or by plugging-off our phone or pc chargers when not used. This is gonna cost us tons of auto-criticism. Can we really afford it?
Forgive me for my skepticism...
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