MSF OCB : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
Construire la feuille de route environnementale de MSF OCB
Responsibility over our own construction waste disposal by handling it directly or ensuring construction companies subcontracted handle it properly
1- Consider reduce, reuse and recycle during design and construction. 2- Categorize the different types of waste and their respective environmental impact. 3- Know each possible way to safely and legally deal with each type. 4- Map official dump sites, landfilling, recycle plants, or any other available method. 5- Include clauses for waste management in the construction contracts and monitor if this is being respected.6- Include construction waste management in the mission’s SOPs and OCB BASICs.
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Hi Robin, in the OCB Construction Manifesto you can find the different initiatives as well as the references to the pertinent guidelines:
Please share some other ideas or suggestions!
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