MSF OCB : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
Construire la feuille de route environnementale de MSF OCB
Improve demand planning (for regular missions / when feasible)
To reduce air freights, improve consolidation, etc.
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Conversation avec Maria Ten Palomares
Hi Yumi, in addition to better demand planning, I would also add: ¨systematically implement Service Level Agreements with European Supply Centers (ESCs) and order chronograms to plan international shipment to increase the percentage of sea freights (and decrease the percentage of air freights)¨ (proposal included in the CEH Action Plan 2020-2023). What do you think?
Yes! Should I add this to my initial suggestion or your comment is already taken in consideration?
Great! already taken into consideration then! No need to add it again :)
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