MSF OCB : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
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Plant based consumption in MSF supported meals
Rarely mentioned as it requires a change of personal behavior but clear evidence that being plant based is an important way to support the envioronment. Are all the carers of the climate ready to change diets?
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Conversation avec Aurelien
Without necessarily pushing everybody to become vegetarian, we can certainly make our food and eating habits friendlier to the planet.
Perhaps the best thing to do here is to educate and raise awareness on the worst foods in this respect ? If this effort isn't done, people might feel forced to eat a vegetarian meal at lunch and compensate with a big steak for dinner, missing the point entirely...
It is often hard to get a fully plant based option in MSF projects, coordination, HQ but agree volition and education important - as well as MSF supporting the option to be plant based - which would already be a major step.
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