MSF OCB : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
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Up-cycling/Recycling of building materials from other countries
The idea would be to use second hand building materials from countries that have a better average standard than the country we are working in. I've spend the last 18 years living/working in Norway and have worked on many construction/renovation sites there. Getting back from a mission I want to cry when i see some of the things that they throw away. The goal would be to focus on small, high valve items. Door handles/locks, light fittings, power outlets, circuit breakers, taps and faucet etc.
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Commenting on my own post:
Most of the companies in Norway have to pay someone to remove a lot of these items, so if you had a small team of volunteers (5-6 people) and they used 3 days they would be able to get so much good quality equipment out of a large building. It would then be a matter of packing it all into a container and sending it. For the customs part i am not sure if it would create problems because it is used, this would have to be checked out. It could also be interesting to look at the renovation of hospitals for other items, beds, trollies, but this could also be a bit tricky as far as perception goes.
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