MSF OCP : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
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Solar Thermie Systems
If MSF stay longer in the projects it would make sense to think about solar thermie instead of using boilers. In many countries (Spain, Greek, etc.) you can find on nearly each roof a simple installation to produce hot water just with the sun....but in nearly all African countries only boilers are used.
There should be a general solution for that which could be easily installed with local material or to search for local production / products.
If MSF stay longer in the projects it would make sense to think about solar thermie instead of using boilers. In many countries (Spain, Greek, etc.) you can find on nearly each roof a simple installation to produce hot water just with the sun....but in nearly all African countries only boilers are used.
There should be a general solution for that which could be easily installed with local material or to search for local production / products.
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yes the soler water boiler are really widely used in a lot of mediterranean country so the technology is simple an cheap and could really be used for the countries where we work as a standard for guideline of installation of bases or medicals tructures.
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