MSF OCP : Diminuer notre empreinte environnementale
Construire la feuille de route environnementale de MSF OCP
Introduire la ségrégation et le tri des déchets dans nos protocoles
Regardless of the field of activity (medical or not), environmental concerns related to waste segregation should be introduced or highlighted. For each device available on Unidata, specify the most appropriate final destination and alternatives if any.
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Such protocols already exist at least for most of our medical activities generated waste, althouhg the level of implementation varies.
For other activities and generated waste (mechanical workshop, electric and electronic devices, plastics,...) it is true we have no such protocols and it is needed. The tricky point is that solutions or collection/elimination or recycling streams are variable (sometimes unexisting) from a country to another. But it's worth putting efforts on finding the best local available solutions.
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