MSF - OCP's Global Environmental Footprint Initiative
Building MSF OCP environmental roadmap
Changes at "Work on the alternative of single use items"
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- +{"fr"=>"Work on the alternative of single use items", "machine_translations"=>{"en"=>"Work on the alternative of single use items", "es"=>"Trabajar en la alternativa de artículos de un solo uso"}}
- +["One of the strength of MSF is our capacity of innovation.\nFor the future of health systems and the communities, single use items, especially the one in plastics, can't be the only solution.\nWe should have dedicated HR ressources to work on substitute for low-carbon alternatives (for example: pharma at international office)\nExample from the UK NHS: work on procurement of made-for-use PPE items as masks and gowns.\nWe have to combine green health system + safety of the patients/staff", ["One of the strength of MSF is our capacity of innovation.\nFor the future of health systems and the communities, single use items, especially the one in plastics, can't be the only solution.\nWe should have dedicated HR resources to work on substitute for low-carbon alternatives (for example: pharma at international office)\nExample from the UK NHS: work on procurement of made-for-use PPE items as masks and gowns.\nWe have to combine green health system + safety of the patients/staff", "Uno de los puntos fuertes de MSF es nuestra capacidad de innovación.\nPara el futuro de los sistemas sanitarios y de las comunidades, los artículos de un solo uso, especialmente los de plástico, no pueden ser la única solución.\nDeberíamos contar con recursos de RRHH dedicados a trabajar en la sustitución de alternativas de baja emisión de carbono (por ejemplo: la farmacia en la oficina internacional)\nEjemplo del NHS del Reino Unido: trabajar en la adquisición de artículos de EPI hechos para el uso, como máscaras y batas.\nTenemos que combinar un sistema sanitario ecológico con la seguridad de los pacientes y el personal"]]
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Version created at
21/12/2021 16:25